Thank you John Bosher, Quinno’s Quick Snaps and Trent Duvall for the use of your awesome photos.
This site was last updated on the 18/9/21
E.C Griffith
First won by ‘Fairchild’ in 1910
The APBA has clubs situated throughout Australia.
Ranging from clubs that cater for specific boats & classes, to most clubs that cater for any & every style of raceboat within a certain region or area.
Select from the list of states below, to get more information on the clubs based in that state. View that club's website or contact any of the people listed for more information on that club.
All clubs welcome new drivers, and have club events that let you become a racer on your own budget, even if you don't aspire to be a racer, you can become involved as a helper or official and as such would be most welcome at any club.
New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia
The APBA now has an Associate Member which is the Australian Jet Sports Boating Association.
APBA State Councils and Affiliated Clubs Overview