Thank you John Bosher, Quinno’s Quick Snaps and Trent Duvall for the use of your awesome photos.
This site was last updated on the 3/2/25
Welcome to the Australian APBA website.
The A.P.B.A. is a not for profit organization which exists to control, govern and administer, formulate and enforce all racing and safety rules throughout Australia for Competition between powerboats.
It is an "association of associations", the affiliated member clubs are members of their respective State Councils, each with its own constitution. The six states plus the Offshore Council collectively form the National Council.
Members of the National Executive are appointed annually by the states. Changes to the racing and safety rules are also voted on at the (July) annual meeting by the states and clubs.
It is internationally affiliated with the UIM, the world controlling body of the sport.
If you find information about your state that is out of date or incorrect, please contact your State Council, so they may inform the National Secretary and have it changed.
Club's, Owners and Drivers: What do you want to see here? Send any information via your State Council, and we will do our best to see it up here.
We recommend you check individual club web sites to confirm race dates, classes etc.
Dates on this site are those advised to the APBA many months in advance. Except for allocated championship events, we have no information on what classes will be at any event.